
There are spoiler disclaimers at the beginning of each article.

Works of fiction are consciously or unconsciously derived from historical, social or political events, as well as from the storyteller’s own knowledge, culture, and perception of said events. Storytelling, under any form, has always had and will always have a purpose beyond entertainment and profit, and convey educational, political, or personal ideas to its audience, even if the storyteller themself might not be aware of it.

Denying the influence a work of fiction can have on its audience is irresponsible, and can even be dangerous.

In other words, all works of fiction are political to some degree.

Likewise, my own interpretation of fiction is informed by my own knowledge, culture, and perception of events. This might lead to situations where I misinterpret references, or where my lack of education on a subject becomes glaringly apparent. My opinions and observations might also evolve with time.

Please keep both of these things in mind when reading these pages!